How to Organize Handball Training for Children

Children handball training

Handball training is a great strategy to help the child’s psychic and motor development. This is because it is in childhood that the little one learns to deal with the possibilities and limitations of his body.

In addition, the practice of sports in general, including handball, has a significant influence on the development of physical, cognitive, behavioral and social skills, helping to train these young people.

In this scenario, ignoring sports in childhood can delay children’s development in several ways. Therefore, it is up to the school and professionals in the field to take this information to their parents, in order to guide them so that they can encourage their children to have an active life from an early age.

What is the importance of sport in childhood?

Sport is a way for young people to develop various skills. In addition to physical abilities, sports practice makes it possible for children to learn to respect the diversity around them and build collective solutions, both in the school environment and outside.

With this, the role of sport in schools is to educate the body, but also the mind, so that young people can integrate into the school environment and socialize. As a consequence, we have a significant improvement in the child’s development.

How to organize a handball training for children?

Now that you know the importance of sport for a child’s development, here’s how to prepare a handball training!

Analyze the child’s movement

Physical activity is a novelty that should be taught in a light and didactic way. Therefore, do an initiation work, taking into account the age of the little ones, their level of motor development and the ability to socialize and do coordinated activities.

Remember that children are at a stage when they are shaping their personality. So, there may be moments in the game when they will be influenced by individual moods or attitudes.

The important thing is to consider these moments as normal in the development of the little ones and avoid these situations. For that, it is necessary to be calm and persist in the explanation to reinforce the objectives of the game.

Also remember that the child’s motor skills are going through the development phase. So, you can work out the training techniques and games that improve this issue.

And rest assured! After the first classes, it is already possible to notice an improvement in motor development.

Another important point is the interaction of the physical educator with the children, as this is an essential factor for achieving success in the proposed activities.

Give preference to playful classes: For children, sports activities must have a recreational and ludic character. This is essential for them to feel more attracted to the practice of physical activity, following the proposed actions.

As a consequence, the child has fun, develops his motor skills, has a better contact with recreational activities and creates a taste for sport.

Consider space orientation

Handball training helps to develop the child’s spatial notion. With this, you can work with and without the ball, such as rhythm, agility, trajectory exercises and others.

At first, it can be difficult to create a synchrony between students and these activities, but they can help improve the individual and collective performance of handball training.

In addition, encourage individual and group activities. In this way, the little ones learn the first notions of the game, acquire sportsmanship and also understand the role of each player, as well as teamwork.

Encourage socialization

Socializing is one of the benefits of group physical activities. The practice of handball also helps in psychomotricity, which is when the young person is stimulated not only in his motor part, but also in his psychic part.

As a consequence, the child starts to have a better physical and mental performance, which can be a benefit for life.

Help develop the socio-affective domain

The practice of physical activities is a great way to contribute to children’s socio-emotional development. This is because sport, and handball is included here, provides various emotions and feelings considering a range of interests.

These feelings can be of cooperation, solidarity, motivation and respect. The most important thing is to think about the child’s evolution as a social being, encouraging the formation of a balanced and stable personality.

In this way, the game helps young people to develop their own personality and learn to make decisions without needing help.

Seek interaction

For physical activity to be pleasurable, it is valid to bet on interaction between colleagues. To do this, encourage a sense of cooperation and activities that involve kindness and humility.

These actions are important because much of the child’s behavior arises from the interaction with peers and teachers.

With successful actions, the child starts to develop more quickly, with independent thoughts, due to his greater motor, cognitive and also language development, encouraged by the practice of sport.

Give an overview of the fundamentals of the game

In order for students to start handball practices, it is important that they are introduced to the basic rules of the game. This can be done in a theoretical presentation, at first, but also in practical training. To adjust the team, invest in training until each player is prepared.

As we have seen throughout this reading, children’s development through handball training goes far beyond a game. This is because this and other physical activities work the social part, balance, laterality and motor coordination of the child, in addition to other factors, such as social interaction and the faster development of cognition.

It is worth mentioning that the skills can be worked to assist in the development of psychomotricity, which is nothing more than the development of a sport in a playful way. All of these factors can be improved before and during the practice of physical activities, aiming at the formation of more capable individuals, both physically and mentally.

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